Friday, November 28, 2008

Sonnet VI

daydreams of the waterfall sublime
a most magnificent Cascade
coming down as we come up
in the Vale of the Roaring Brook
turbulence provides an altered state
curious calm in the Thunder-shower
a savage roar in the ears
vast crowd of huge white Bears
clamber in over the rocks
move out of imperfect shelter
into the dark pool itself
falling in into icy water
and suddenly a new perspective
swims in below the surface

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cowboys & Indians

Some secret mystery awaits. Wisdom and knowledge. What is the difference? Wait for the word. Crowd around. The art of wonder. Idleness a pleasure before the cowboys roll in, slap their thighs, succumb to much hilarity.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sonnet V

of course it all comes back
an offshore breeze rumples
the water ruffles the hair
pink boomerang in flight
rears up into grey matter
brief resistance to the elements
onwards and upwards a pause
and something hurtles back to earth
return to simple dialogue
the big questions dealt with
in occasional glances an easy
quiet beneath the knife
and fork click and clack
the unheard beating of the heart

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sonnet IV

and then there was some turbulence
a mighty storm blew in from the west
the days were very dark now
I held your hand quiet child
your eyes large beneath the water
raindrops pour into full floods
the long imaginary plain the way
home unrecognisable beneath
the sudden loss of day
and yet you change too
grow in stature when the wind
spits small ice in your face
some days you take it on the chin
some days you run and run and run

Thursday, November 6, 2008

On the Wind's Wings

Borne aloft on the winds of the imagination children take to the skies. Multicoloured wings flash in the sunlight, reflections in the harbour water. Strange to see such freedom totter and fall as adult legs weave unsteadily in the next room. Downcast eyes fix firmly on the dull brown floorboards. The shade, the texture. All very interesting. Let's open the window now, let in some air.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sonnet III

there are leaves
falling from the sky
crumpled messages
fill the many pockets
loose change gathers
a careless offering

and the metro station
fills with the air of a violin
classical elegance a concert
plays out to an unembarrassed hush
the audience flows on
ineffably towards the sea

and when the music is silent
what, after all, remains?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sonnet II

the art of measurement
occurs in the everyday
submission to pain
in variable light
and occasional dark
ignorant of time
one more step ahead

it's not so bad really
there is a dryness
in the throat
the muscles strain
a furious dialogue
wonders how the agony
will end the pain will die