Wednesday, May 27, 2009


To be touched once
and never more
the same hands
trick the light

people fall apart
bit by bit
they defragment
and disappear

Friday, May 22, 2009

Stained Glass

A ruined church now stands
where once a young choir sang,
sheltering walls sink into the earth
tumble down the rock face.

Touch my ageing hand she might
say were she to come home,
but the grey cloud is winter
her heart turned to stone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sonnet X

How long can you avert the eyes?
For ever like blind man or fool?
It is possible to look not see
the arc of light over distant land
brilliance and irony of celebration.
It was rubble at the beginning
and so shall be at the end,
how do people live like that?

Some rough beast howls in the desert
creeps down in the fatal night
to take such risk the fear
of the shadow to quench thirst
to try to stay alive one more day
but oh listen to the tanks roll in.

Monday, January 19, 2009


these tender horns
shrink from the touch
wait for the crunch

that will obliterate
the ugly night's pain
this bombed-out end

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sonnet IX

and then you have to make
small house a room
turn it up
let the
twist of lemon ice
so it seems
a ripple
in the new year
moving towards
the light of day
don't wait
for me

Friday, January 2, 2009

Without History

Under the unnamed trees
always alone
dead leaves underfoot
hardly ever
through the grass hardly
crushing out the life
gold sunlight red and brown